We have gathered essential details about Find the Children in Salem on this page, including its location, contact information, email, and website link.
- Company Name:Find the ChildrenState:OregonCounty:Marion CountyCity:SalemStreet:655 Cottage St NEZIP:97301Branche:Social Service & Welfare OrganizationsEmployee:20
- Contact Name:Peggy MartinelliPhone:(503) 399-8526Fax:(800) 274-3463
655 Cottage St NE, Salem, OR 97301
You can get in touch with Peggy Martinelli, at Find the Children for any questions regarding Find the Children by calling the given numbers or by accessing the contact information on Find the Children's website. The company holds a rating that is subpar. There are numerous businesses in the surrounding area that can be compared to this one. Find the Children has received evaluations from a select few clients. If you're driving to Find the Children, use "My Route" to calculate the best route from your current location to 655 Cottage St NE in Salem.
Get in touch with Find the Children directly, Peggy Martinelli will be able to provide information about their offerings. Information about the operating hours is not available, but you can check the website.
Call (503) 399-8526 if you're located outside Marion County and want more information about Find the Children. Peggy Martinelli, of Find the Children, or another representative will be available to answer your questions.
If you are not located in the same country, send your written communications to Find the Children through the international fax (800) 274-3463 or email. If your Social Service & Welfare Organizations company in Salem or any other part of Marion County is not yet listed, you can submit your business and its page through [Add company] in the menu.